About Me
Dr Jayesh Lele
General Physician
44 years Years Experience
Dr. Jayesh Lele has been practicing General Physician in Maharashtra for considerable amount of time, and is respected by his peers. Whether you're coming for a simple check-up or a more complex treatment regimen at C Girdharlal Road, kharodi, Malad West, Mumbai
My Clinic
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What if my query is not listed here?
If you have any more queries that aren't listed, you can email us or call us.
Why is it best to consult a specialist?
A specialist doctor is trained to treat complex health conditions in their particular field. If you are diagnosed with a condition, it is best to consult a doctor who specializes in dealing with that particular condition.
What if my query is not listed here?
If you have any more queries that aren't listed, you can email us.
Why is it best to consult a specialist?
A specialist doctor is trained to treat complex health conditions in their particular field. If you are diagnosed with a condition, it is best to consult a doctor who specializes in dealing with that particular condition.
How can I book an appointment?
You can click on the book appointment link.